Our Herbs

Our Herbs

Birch (Betula pendula)

Found in our Cascadian Forest blend

History: Birch trees have been used for centuries in Europe and Asia. Birch bark was used for writing surfaces, canoes, and roofing. Birch sap has been a traditional beverage, especially in Russia.

Medicinal Benefits: Birch leaves have been used for wound healing, pain relief, and kidney issues. Birch bark tea is reputed to help with coughs and colds.

Black/White Spruce Tips (Picea mariana)

Found in our Cascadian Forest and Forest Harmony blends

History: Used widely amongst Indigenous populations, they made teas with the tender needles which were believed to soothe coughs, colds, and congestion. Washes made from spruce tips were applied to rashes and sores, while the resin was used in wound balms for its potential antiseptic properties.

Interestingly, when the French arrived in Quebec, they developed scurvy over winter while the Indigenous peoples did not. They were taught to make spruce tip infusions full of Vitamin C to ward off the ailment.

Medicinal Benefits: The presence of essential oils suggest potential antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. Additionally, black spruce tips are thought to be a good source of Vitamin C, which may support the immune system.

Blue Pea Flower (Clitoria ternatea)

Found in our Clari-Tea blend

History: Steeped in Southeast Asian tradition, the butterfly pea flower boasts a vibrant blue hue and unique properties. For centuries, it has been woven into the region's cultural fabric, gracing everything from traditional medicine and food to vibrant dyes and celebratory drinks.

Medicinal Benefits: Several studies have shown that blue butterfly pea extracts boost the levels of a chemical called acetylcholine in their brain. Acetylcholine is essential for good brain health.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

Found in our Clari-Tea blend

History: It was described as early as the 6th century A.D. in revered Sanskrit texts like the Great Trilogy (Caraka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Astanga Hridaya) and the Atharva-Veda. Hindus even incorporated it into newborn consecration rituals, believing it would unlock the child's potential for knowledge.

Medicinal Benefits: Brahmi has been a mainstay of Ayurvedic medicine, revered for its potential to enhance cognitive function and reduce stress. 

Cedar ( Thuja plicata)

Found in our Cascadian Forest blend

History: For millennia, B.C.'s Indigenous peoples have transformed cedar from majestic giants into the fabric of their lives. Cedar bark becomes rope, clothing, and baskets, while the mighty logs are carved into canoes, totem poles, masks, and long houses.

Medicinal Benefits: In traditional medicine, cedar leaves and boughs have been brewed into teas for centuries to ease coughs and congestion. Topical applications may also reduce inflammation and pain, while some believe cedar's antiseptic properties can combat skin issues

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

Found in our Clari-Tea blend

History: A testament to resilience, the ginkgo is the sole survivor of an ancient lineage that predates dinosaurs. These titans ruled the Earth for nearly 180 million years (between 245 and 66 million years ago). Nicknamed a "living fossil" for this reason, the ginkgo boasts a fossil record stretching back over 200 million years. Its leaves, preserved in stone, whisper of a time when the ginkgo thrived alongside giants long lost.

Medicinal Benefits: 

Gota Kola (Centella asiatica)

Found in our Clari-Tea blend

History: Nicknamed the "fountain of life," Gotu Kola boasts a legendary reputation in Ayurvedic medicine. This Southeast Asian native has been revered for centuries as a brain tonic, with tales whispering of an ancient Chinese herbalist who attributed his 200-year lifespan to its use.

Medicinal Benefits: Traditionally used to address varicose veins and memory issues, it's also being explored for its impact on blood clots, liver health, and even bladder function.

Guayusa (Ilex guayusa)

Found in our Holly Trinity blend

History: For over 1,500 years, guayusa has been a cornerstone of Kichwa culture in Ecuador. Traded as a medicinal plant for millennia, it remains an integral part of their daily life. As the world sleeps at 4 am, the Kichwa people gather for a unique ritual – a steaming cauldron of guayusa tea, ready to fuel their day and strengthen their bond.

Medicinal Benefits: This wonder plant is packed with antioxidants and natural caffeine, offering a potential path to weight management, balanced blood sugar, and a brighter mood. Compared to coffee, guayusa delivers a gentler alertness, making it a safe and energizing alternative.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Found in our Rose Garden blend

History: Hibiscus boasts an origin story as vibrant as its flowers. While botanists debate whether China or India holds the claim to this beauty, no wild populations have ever been found. Regardless of its birthplace, European explorers in the 1700s were captivated by its charm, bringing it back to grace gardens across the continent.

Medicinal Benefits: Rich in antioxidants, this flowering wonder offers a range of potential health benefits. From promoting weight loss to potentially hindering the growth of bacteria and even cancer cells, Hibiscus may also support a healthy heart and liver.

Labrador Tea (Rhododendron columbianum)

Found in our Cascadian Forest blend

History: Labrador tea isn't just a name; it's a testament to its rich history. For generations, the Inuit and First Nations people of Northern Canada have relied on this versatile plant. Even French Canadian fur traders, facing dwindling black tea supplies, embraced Labrador tea as a welcome substitute. This shared past echoes in the plant's nicknames – Hudson Bay tea and trapper's tea – a reminder of its role in sustaining communities across the vast Canadian landscape.

Medicinal Benefits: Traditionally, Labrador tea leaves and shoots have been brewed into a medicinal tea to combat a wide range of ailments. From soothing sore throats and coughs to easing joint pain and diarrhea, this versatile herb has been a mainstay in folk medicine for centuries

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Found in our Calm Day blend

History: Lemon balm's reputation as a natural remedy stretches back to the dawn of the Roman Empire, with documented use around 50-80 BC. Across the Mediterranean and Europe throughout the Middle Ages, it wasn't just its delightful lemon scent that was appreciated. People turned to lemon balm for a multitude of purposes.

Medicinal Benefits: For centuries, this calming herb has been a mainstay in natural medicine cabinets. Even as far back as the Middle Ages, people sought its soothing properties to ease stress and anxiety, promote restful sleep, and improve appetite. It was also a trusted remedy for digestive discomfort, including gas, bloating, and even colic.

Lemon Verbena (Lippia citriodora)

Found in our Clari-Tea blend

History: More than just a beautiful addition to gardens around the world, lemon verbena has a rich history and a reputation for promoting well-being. This fragrant shrub, native to South America, thrives in countless gardens today. Characterized by its lush, green foliage, lemon verbena is a visual treat. Its delicate branches are adorned with an abundance of small, pointed leaves. These glossy leaves, with their unique pale lime hue, not only add visual interest but are also the source of the plant's invigorating lemon scent and various health properties.

Medicinal Benefits: Lemon verbena packs a powerful punch. Rich in antioxidant phenolic compounds, it helps the body combat free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting a healthy immune system. For those seeking a gentler alternative, lemon verbena tea boasts antioxidant properties similar to green tea, minus the bitterness.

Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus)

Found in our Cascadian Forest blend

History: For generations, Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mohawk women relied on raspberry leaf tea as a birthing aid. This traditional remedy was believed to soothe labor pains, ease contractions, and combat nausea. Given the nomadic nature of their cultures, these communities wisely dried the berries for preservation and portability, ensuring this herbal support was always within reach.

Medicinal Benefits: Traditionally, it's been used to address menstrual cramps and regulate irregular cycles due to its astringent properties. Some studies also suggest it might help ease diarrhea and even reduce inflammation. However

Rose Hips (Rosa canina)

Found in our Rose Garden blend

History: Rose hips have a rich and colourful history. Valued in traditional medicine by the ancient Chinese, Greeks, Romans, and Persians, they've been a source of well-being for centuries. Legend even whispers of Viking raiders fortifying themselves with rose hips during their daring invasions.

Medicinal Benefits: Rosehip extract boasts a powerful combination for joint health. Rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins, it's believed to help ease inflammation and protect against joint damage. Furthermore, its high vitamin C content adds an antioxidant punch, further supporting overall well-being.

Rose Petals (Rosa)

Found in our Rose Garden blend

History: Rose petals have captivated cultures for millennia. Ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Romans used them in cosmetics, food, and even religious ceremonies. Rosewater, derived from rose petals, has been prized for centuries in the Middle East and Asia for its fragrance and potential health benefits. Today, rose petals continue to be enjoyed in teas, jams, and beauty products, a testament to their enduring appeal.

Medicinal Benefits: Beyond its delightful aroma, rose tea packs a surprising health punch. The petals contain polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that shield your body from cell damage. Studies suggest these polyphenols may help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and even cognitive decline.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Found in our Clari-Tea blend

History: Soaked in sunshine and sea spray, rosemary thrives in the dry, rocky coasts of the Mediterranean. Its very name, Rosmarinus, whispers of its origins – a fusion of the Latin words for "dew" (ros) and "sea" (marinus). This fragrant herb has graced the gardens and traditions of cultures since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Medicinal Benefits: Rosemary isn't just a culinary delight; it boasts a range of potential health benefits. Studies suggest it has natural properties that fight bacteria, inflammation, and free radicals (damage-causing molecules). It may even play a role in supporting healthy cells, reducing pain, and protecting brain function. Research also suggests rosemary could influence mood, learning, memory, and sleep, making it a fascinating herb with potential applications beyond the kitchen.

Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Found in our Calm Day blend

History: The aromatic tulsi shrub reigns supreme in Ayurvedic medicine. Revered as "The Incomparable One," "Mother Medicine of Nature," and "The Queen of Herbs," tulsi transcends its classification as a member of the basil family. Today, it thrives throughout the Eastern tropics, a testament to its enduring significance.

Medicinal Benefits: Traditionally, Tulsi has been revered for its wide range of potential health benefits. From respiratory issues and headaches to fevers and kidney stones, this versatile herb has been used to address a multitude of ailments. It's also believed to support heart health and even offer relief for asthma sufferers.

Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

Found in our Holly Trinity blend

History: Yerba mate has a rich history that stretches back to the Guaraní people of South America. Inhabiting regions that today encompass parts of Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Bolivia, the Guaraní traditionally consumed yerba mate by chewing the green leaves. Later, the iconic mate gourd and straw emerged as a way to enjoy this herbal infusion.

Medicinal Benefits: This energizing beverage boasts a range of potential health benefits, from boosting energy and reducing inflammation to lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. Some studies even suggest it can improve exercise performance and promote bone density.

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